Monday, May 23, 2011

The Fat Side of 24

It's officially 2 months before my friends wedding.  4 1/2 months since I said I was starting this diet.  What have I lost  in total?  NOTHING.  What have I gained in total?  5 pounds.

My friend just sent a email this morning saying that they received the dresses from China and they're all running small so they're sending them to us and we need to try them on so they immediately so they can figure out if they need to order more fabric or do something entirely different.  2 months before the wedding.

So, don't even get my started on why anyone in their right mind would order dressed for your wedding from overseas when there are a thousand and one stores here for all the bridesmaids throughout the country to get to and try on a dress.  Insanity.

My dilemma:  I told her to order me a size 22.  I thought I would at least lose one size and would hopefully have lost more so that I could have the dress taken in for the wedding.  But I'm still on the fat side of 24.

I know I've said it in my posts - or at least in my head - but it's time to get serious.  Even if the dress doesn't end up fitting, I want to look better than I do for this wedding and in general.  I hate how I look.  I feel so ugly and can't believe how awful I look in pictures.  Never mind my friend, but I owe it to myself to look as good as I can at this wedding.

So here's my 8 week plan ladies and gentlemen (or just me since no one else reads this):

I want to lose 20 pounds, which comes down to 2.5 per week.  It's a lofty goal, I know, but I think with a good diet and exercise my body will really be shocked into loss for a few weeks.

1.  I will start exercising every day for 30 minutes will up that by 15 minutes every 2 weeks until I'm at an hour.
2.  I will drink only one cup of coffee in the morning (I do add creamer and will not stop that).
3.  I will drink AT LEAST 80 ounces of water every day.
4.  No junk food.  Standard diet - salad, veggies, white meat or fish, etc..
5.  I will write my progress every day in order to try to keep my head clear enough to maintain my focus.

A busy, busy self-owned business, a baby to take care of and a house to manage is a tough combination for someone who's an emotional eater.  I hate that the theory of losing weight, or even managing the weight you lose, is so easy and yet it's so hard to get in the right place to do it.  It's hard not to beat yourself up about it and, in turn, somehow eat more to feel better about it.

8 weeks.  It's all I have left.  I'm past doing this for the wedding.  That passed me by a long time ago.  Now I have to do this for myself.

Until tomorrow, myself...good thoughts.


  1. How are you doing so far on your diet?

  2. Ummm, diet??? I can't believe someone found this blog! I started an update this week and didn't finish...I'll get it up to give you an update. Thanks for reading!
